Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Predicted emergence IBM Machine Mind Reader

CALIFORNIA - the technology giant IBM is making a picture of the machine in the future, which has the ability to read minds and recognize who is there before him. Prediction "IBM's 5 on 5" is based on social trends and research that will hopefully begin to show results in 2017. "From Houdini, Skywalker to X-Men, read minds has been a dream of science fiction fans for decades, but it's probably wishful thinking will soon become a reality," said IBM, as preached ABC, Wednesday (21/12 / 2011). "The IBM was among those who are researching how the brain connects to your device, such as computers or smartphones," he continued. IBM provides an example, for instance, people can call other people just by thinking about it, or move the cursor on a computer screen just by thinking about it. The company estimates the biological structure of the one who will be the key to personal identity. Using retinal scans, face recognition or voice to confirm the identity of a person to replace typed passwords. "Imagine you will be able to walk to an ATM machine to withdraw money just by saying your name, or look into a tiny sensor that can recognize unique patterns in the retina of your eye," says IBM. "Or to do the same thing, you can check your account balance on your cell phone or a tablet," he added. IBM also mempredikri, technology in the future will be able to generate electric power from any type of movement, from walking or riding a bike to the water flowing through the pipe home