Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Diets Fit for Diabetes Patients

Diets Fit for Diabetes Patients. One of the things that can affect blood sugar levels is the food it consumes. In order to remain well-controlled diabetes, know what kind of diet should be done by people with diabetes.

Diabetics who do not manage your diet well tend to have blood sugar levels are not controlled. If it happens repeatedly, then the threat to attack a variety of complications.

"Generally, there's no restrictions for people with diabetes, but the most important thing is to limit the amount of food and still eat calorie balanced nutrition," says Dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Sp.PD, PhD Metabolic Endocrine Division, Department of Medicine Faculty of medicine / RSCM detikHealth and written when contacted on Wednesday (08/29/2012).

Dr. Dante describes people with diabetes should not eat at all as sweet as her body still needs sugar, only the use and type of sugar should be regulated.

Even so people with diabetes need to limit glucose simply because these foods have a high glycemic index value so quickly increase blood sugar levels, for example syrup, sugar. Better to choose a low glycemic index levels eg vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Dr. Sri Hartini KS Kariadi, SpPD-KEMD in the book 'Diabetes? Who's Afraid! ' said to the diet of diabetics or people with diabetes should carry 3J (Schedule, Amount and Type of Food).

Some foods such as rice, bread, taro, sago, noodles, vermicelli, macaroni and other food made of flour should be regulated in number, as it should be limited and should not be excessive.

In addition, people with diabetes should avoid the following foods:
1. Pure sugar
2. Dodoo
3. Brown
4. Jam
5. Syrup
6. Lemonade
7. Soft drink
8. Condensed milk
9. Sweets like cake
10. Canned fruit
11. Jerked meat
12. Abon

Meanwhile, Dr. Dante reveals the role and support of the family is very important in helping the diet undertaken by people with diabetes. For that family should come do a healthy lifestyle.

"Do not discriminate against people with diabetes with a food that is not, because it can make people so miserable that ended up making it so snacks outside," said Dr. Dante who also practices at MMC Hospital Jakarta.

Dr. Dante pointed out in the community sometimes encountered anyone with diabetes and her father make 2 different meals that special meal for his father and other food for other family members. And if family members are party to share a healthy diet so he can benefit too.

By doing a healthy diet and regular physical activity the blood sugar levels will be owned controlled, so that it can help people with diabetes avoid various complications. Diets Fit for Diabetes Patients.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Foot Care for People with Diabetes

Foot Care for People with Diabetes
Diabetics are prone to develop foot problems because of a condition called peripheral neuropathy. Serious problems of this condition can lead to foot injuries, so you need to maintain the health of your feet.

These conditions can also cause inflammation of the skin. In addition, in diabetic foot infections requires a long time to heal because it can grow deep into the tissue. In some cases, an infection that gets worse require amputation.

The following should be done by people with diabetes to take care of her feet, as quoted from onlymyhealth, Monday (07/02/2012), among others:

1. Keep your feet clean

Use warm water to wash your feet. Be sure to keep the area between the toes to keep dry. Jjika humid area, will semkain easily infected.

2. Cut your toenails

Trim your nails properly, do not get ingrown toe and puncture the skin. Better to cut the nails straight and not curved.

3. Wear seamless socks that do not

People with diabetes should avoid wearing socks with seams at the edges. The stitching can rub against the skin and cause blisters or other skin inflammation.

4. Exercise by walking

Walking is one of the best exercises for people with diabetes to the overall health and also for the legs. But you need to make sure that you wear appropriate shoes.

5. Choose comfortable shoes

Choose shoes with soles canvas upper, has a length and width of the right leg and has little room to move. Shoes should also be sturdy and have a proper bearing.

Here it should be avoided by people with diabetes-related foot health, among others:

1. Never go barefoot because it increases the chances of getting a foot injury.

2. Avoid shoes with pointed toes, high heels or sandals. Footwear is causing undue stress on your feet and can cause bone and joint disorders.

3. Do not smoke or drink alcohol. Nerve damage caused by alcohol contributes to diabetic foot problems, other than that smoking can reduce blood flow to the legs.

4. Do not wear tight clothing, because it can restrict blood flow to the legs.

5. Do not wear shoes that have a coating or a rough cut in it, because it can cause infection.
Foot Care for People with Diabetes

Friday, June 15, 2012

Powerful Ways To Work Overtime

Powerful Ways To Work Overtime There are times when the work in the office take up so much time and energy so it must work overtime. Work outside the hours of exertion triggers the body of work outside of kebiasaannnya and susceptible to trigger exhaustion.

When the body is really tired, but circumstances did not allow it to rest, there are some things that can make it through the day. The goal is to provide extra energy and avoid things that can make fatigue worse.

As reported by Gizmodo, Wednesday (13/06/2012), the following are ways that can be done to keep the body energized for overtime.

A. Note the amount of intake of Food and Beverage
When feeling tired, lazy people often eat. Though the body needs to have sufficient food intake to produce the required energy. But be sure not to eat too much because it could make matters worse.

Fatigue makes it difficult to know when to stop eating. Do not wait until the stomach signals satiety, but watch the portion of food on the plate. Take enough food and do not overdo it. Do not forget to drink water to avoid dehydration.

2. Choosing the Right Foods
Start by choosing healthy foods. Avoid sugary foods and choose foods such as eggs and whole grains. Polar eat protein and fiber, not carbs. Focus on healthy foods that can provide the energy your body with ease.

3. For a moment sports Current Circulatory
Not every sport can make the body awake. Some physical exercises will produce the energy the body needs to keep active. While exercise can help maintain blood circulation and helps the body stay alert when feeling tired. The easiest option is a push-up.

Perform as many push-ups 3 sets with a pause of 30 seconds. This little exercise will not cause the body to sweat a lot, but it was enough to make the body awake.

4. Working While Standing
Sitting all day is bad for health, but people used to working in a chair because it is more convenient. When feeling tired, feeling comfortable will make the body fall asleep. So, should work in a standing position. It may seem so comfortable, but over time will get used.

5. Drinking caffeine intelligent
Coffee is a weapon commonly used by people to stay awake when tired. But, too much coffee can make a headache. If you already are drinking coffee, drinking coffee will not help your body stay awake. Caffeine is only really useful if used sparingly and intelligently.

For people who rarely consume coffee, initially should take approximately 65-100 mg of coffee. The brain is actively continuing to produce adenosine as a byproduct. Adenosine levels are high enough, the brain would know when to rest. Caffeine binds to adenosine receptors and delayed brain sends signals to the body that it is time to sleep.

This method will not be effective in people who regularly drink caffeine. The important thing to remember is do not drink caffeine during the early days because it would cause difficulty falling asleep later. Drink coffee at the latest before 2:00 o'clock.

6. Plan a Day with Good Sleep
Nap for 20 minutes the next day is enough to make the body re-energized. Nap at the wrong time can disrupt biological clock. The most ideal time for a nap is between 13:00 to 15:00. Powerful Ways To Work Overtime

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

3 Ways to Overcome Natural Sore Throat

Air dry in cold weather can make a scratchy throat and trigger a throat disease. But luckily, the recipe mduah lozenges can be found in the pantry. "Natural medicine is a good solution to overcome a sore throat. In fact, many natural remedies for sore throat can be made at home. That is, do not have to leave the house in cold weather," said Benjamin Asher, MD, PC, members of the Committee on Complementary and Integrative Medicine in the head and neck surgery American Academy of Otolaryngology. Here are three ways to overcome sore throat as reported by, Monday (02/13/2012). A. Coat the throat with honey and warm water One tablespoon of honey mixed with warm water and lemon is a good natural remedy. These ingredients can coat and soothe throat irritation. 2. Gargling with salt water Gargling with salt water or other solution will help reduce sore throats caused by dry air irritation or allergy. In a study in India, patients are fitted with tracheal tubes after surgery are asked to rinse with a mixture of one teaspoon of licorice mixed with 8 ounces of water. The result, the mixture has reduced the severity of sore throat than those who rinsed with plain water. A mixture of licorice can be used as a beverage or as a mouthwash. Rinse with organic apple cider vinegar is also effective, because it can clear the throat, but not as hard as other vinegar. One tablespoon of bourbon whiskey mixed with a glass of warm water can also be used for gargling. This mixture of deadly bacteria as well as soothe the throat at the same time. 3. Prevent recurrence "Prevention is the best cure for a sore throat caused by irritation or infection of the virus," said Dr. Asher. For example, a sore throat in the morning can be caused by the drought caused by breathing through the mouth at night, or it could be triggered by an increase in gastric acid while sleeping. Moisturizing dry air can be overcome. In addition, arrange a bed or pillow for the head slightly raised so as to prevent sore throat due to increase stomach acid. Do not ignore a sore throat that has lasted more than a week, because it could be a sign of serious problems. "If you experience severe pain and cause difficulty in swallowing, see a doctor. If you experience pain centered on the one hand throat, immediately seek the advice of health professionals. Smokers who long sore throat should see a doctor immediately," said Dr. Asher.

Monday, February 6, 2012

5 Most Deadly Cancer Types

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, not least in Indonesia. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, 84 million people died from cancer in 2005 and 2015 timeframe. Cancer can be suffered by anyone regardless of age, gender and social status. In the world Cancer Day which falls every year on February 4, WHO noted that nearly 80 percent of cancer deaths came from low-income countries and middle. In fact, a quarter of them occur before the age of 60 years. Most cases of cancer usually occur because the habits and unhealthy lifestyle. But by modifying your lifestyle, at 30 percent risk of cancer can be prevented. Welcoming the world of cancer, the WHO announced a 5 (five) types of cancer that is ranked top with the highest death toll: A. Lung cancer (1.4 million deaths) This is the most deadly type of cancer for both men want any woman. Each year, more people who died of lung cancer than breast cancer, colon, and prostate cancer (even though all three combined). Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. The more cigarettes you smoke each day and the earlier you start smoking, the greater the risk of lung cancer. There is no evidence that smoking low-tar with a reduced risk of lung cancer. 2. Stomach cancer (740 000 deaths) Some types of cancer known to affect the stomach. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of cancer to the stomach. Development of cancer is generally found in the lining of the stomach. Over time, the presence of cancer is starting to fade. Experts think this decline may be triggered due to lifestyle changes such as reducing salt intake and smoking. 3. Liver cancer (700,000 deaths) In most cases, the cause of liver cancer caused by cirrhosis, which is the end result of chronic liver damage caused by chronic liver disease. Alcohol abuse is the most common cause of cirrhosis of the liver. 4. Colorectal cancer (610 000 deaths) Colorectal cancer can begin to grow from the large intestine (colon) or rectum (end of colon). Initially, nearly all colorectal cancers are benign (polyps), but over time develop into cancer. This cancer is a type of cancer the world's third largest in terms of number of sufferers. Colorectal cancer is also the number two cause of death of two worlds, in which the age factor influences. 5. Breast cancer (460 000 deaths) Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue. Cancer can begin to grow in the milk glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and connective tissue in the breast. In Indonesia, breast cancer is still the number one killer disease in women.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic skin inflammation characterized by the presence of blackheads and one or more red, tender bumps (lesions). Lesions are often enlarged, open and ooze pus. Scarring can occur as a result after several recurrences. This condition is often regarded as a severe form of acne. Hidradenitis suppurativa occurs deep within the skin around the oil glands (sebaceous) and hair follicles. Body parts affected are usually the groin and armpits, is also the primary location of the apocrine sweat glands. Hidradenitis suppurativa tends to start to occur after puberty, persist for years and worsen over time. Early diagnosis and treatment of Hidradenitis suppurativa can help manage symptoms and prevent the development of new lesions. Hidradenitis suppurativa occurs when oil glands (sebaceous) glands and hair follicles not blocked by fluids, dead skin cells and other materials that are removed from around the apocrine sweat glands. When substances are mixed with oil from the sebaceous glands, it can be trapped and pushed into the surrounding tissue. Bacteria can then trigger infection and inflammation. It is unknown why there is a blockage, but a number of factors including hormones, genetics, smoking and being overweight - all can play a role. Sometimes Hidradenitis suppurativa occurs with other diseases, such as Crohn's disease or Graves' disease.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Breast-milk banks can not meet demand

Breast-milk banks can not meet demand The growing demand for milk in the neonatal intensive care units has led to an impassioned plea for milk banks in America. Donated milk, known as "liquid gold" could save the lives of premature babies whose mothers can not produce milk themselves. However, 1.8 million ounces of milk banks distributed by nonprofit milk throughout the country covers less than one quarter of the 8 million ounces is necessary, as the Association of Human Milk Banks North America. "We need every healthy, breastfeeding mother say, 'I want to donate," said Kim Updegrove, elected president of the association. "Then we would have enough milk for each premature baby. Even a small amount is to save lives." Breast milk is rich in nutrients that help small premature babies grow and antibodies that protect against infection, so that more physicians are prescribing NICU. Now three-quarters of the milk bank orders come from hospitals - about 60 percent last year. "All babies should receive breast milk. However, because it is a scarce resource, which are prioritized for preterm infants in neonatal intensive care with a weight of three pounds or less," Updegrove said. "They respond better in terms of reducing infection rates and shorter hospital stays." But beyond those who need donor breast milk, mothers who know little about milk banks. All potential donors need to do is fill out the paperwork online and provide a blood sample in a local laboratory. Milk banks cover the cost of the selection process and, if approved, shipping costs and pasteurization of milk. "There is no cost to the donor," said Pauline Sakamoto, executive director of Breast Milk Bank in San Jose, California, and former president of the Human Milk Bank of North America. "I just want to keep pumping!" However, the receiver absorbs the cost, paying up to $ 6 per ounce. For Julie Palmonka Tyrone, Pennsylvania, the milk was too rich deposit. When your baby, Miley, was born weighing just three pounds, doctors prescribed donor milk. However, for a week costs $ 750 out of pocket, so Palmonka had to find another source. She took the milk line sites that link exchange needy mothers with mothers who have milk to spare. It now has new freezer in the garage full of breast milk cows, he said. Increased demand could raise costs There are 10 milk banks in the U.S., compared to 30 in the 1980 pre-HIV drugs. The virus closes all banks except one - Bank of the milk of mothers in San Jose. "We've been open for 37 years," Sakamoto said. "And we've never been in this position where we had to cut orders to hospitals." Milk banks for profit, increased demand is bittersweet. On the one hand, reflects the growing recognition of the benefits of human milk. But it also means that the service is becoming more expensive. Instead of sending the one-month supply hospitals, banks are required to send to the milk, as they are available, increased shipping costs. "We're almost to the point of diminishing returns, which would mean having to increase the price," said Sakamoto. The price increase could mean more moms to share online - a practice discouraged by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration because of the risk of the disease. While the 10 milk banks in the Association of Human Milk Banks in North America umbrella has strict standards for donor screening and pasteurization, milk informal exchange sites do not. "While it may be sympathetic to share informally, which is not insurance and legally dangerous," said Updegrove. "You are sharing a body fluid with the child of another person." Share through milk banks, Updegrove said, ensures safe milk comes to babies who need to live. "Human milk is not only better for these children, is absolutely to save lives." Breast-milk banks can not meet demand

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Losing weight with a Hula-Hoop training

Losing weight with a Hula-Hoop training You may not have a hit since I was 10, but the humble hula hoop is a bona fide piece of training equipment that can tone your thighs, abs, buttocks and arms. And as much fun as you remember. "I just feel like you're working," said Sunny Becks-Crumpton, a teacher of hula and the owner of Hooprama, an exercise room in East Nashville, Tennessee. To test it, grab a basket and complete this routine three times a week, through the sequence twice. At first, the movements can throw a loop, but do not despair: practice makes perfect. Move 1: side by side The classic measure: Holding the hoop at the waist, start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. With your hands, push the rim of the hip so it starts to spin. As you turn, roll your hips in a movement from side to side, as if hitting each side of a door. (Close your eyes will help you focus on the sensation of movement, Beck said Crumpton.) Working for a maximum of one minute, rest a few seconds, then repeat. Move 3: The Bump Stand with your legs tight and knees soft, keeping the hoop at the waist. Keeping your back straight, lean forward and push the ring with his hands so he begins to spin. Raise and lower the body to keep the hoop spinning for bending and straightening the knees, keeping your abs tight and keep your weight on your toes. The ring should remain nearly perpendicular to the ground. Keep it running for 30 seconds, rest, then repeat once or twice more. Move 4: Orbit Stand with your feet together and hold the hoop to the front of your body. Get the hoop in motion so that is spinning around your hand (move the arm up and down slightly to maintain the momentum). Slowly raise your arm above your head, keeping the hoop in motion, which should roll over your thumb and the palm of your hand. Do this for a minute and then start again. Repeat with other arm. Losing weight with a Hula-Hoop training