Saturday, November 5, 2011

Losing weight with a Hula-Hoop training

Losing weight with a Hula-Hoop training You may not have a hit since I was 10, but the humble hula hoop is a bona fide piece of training equipment that can tone your thighs, abs, buttocks and arms. And as much fun as you remember. "I just feel like you're working," said Sunny Becks-Crumpton, a teacher of hula and the owner of Hooprama, an exercise room in East Nashville, Tennessee. To test it, grab a basket and complete this routine three times a week, through the sequence twice. At first, the movements can throw a loop, but do not despair: practice makes perfect. Move 1: side by side The classic measure: Holding the hoop at the waist, start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. With your hands, push the rim of the hip so it starts to spin. As you turn, roll your hips in a movement from side to side, as if hitting each side of a door. (Close your eyes will help you focus on the sensation of movement, Beck said Crumpton.) Working for a maximum of one minute, rest a few seconds, then repeat. Move 3: The Bump Stand with your legs tight and knees soft, keeping the hoop at the waist. Keeping your back straight, lean forward and push the ring with his hands so he begins to spin. Raise and lower the body to keep the hoop spinning for bending and straightening the knees, keeping your abs tight and keep your weight on your toes. The ring should remain nearly perpendicular to the ground. Keep it running for 30 seconds, rest, then repeat once or twice more. Move 4: Orbit Stand with your feet together and hold the hoop to the front of your body. Get the hoop in motion so that is spinning around your hand (move the arm up and down slightly to maintain the momentum). Slowly raise your arm above your head, keeping the hoop in motion, which should roll over your thumb and the palm of your hand. Do this for a minute and then start again. Repeat with other arm. Losing weight with a Hula-Hoop training