Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Archaeologists Find Rare Treasure Thousand Year-Old

Archaeologists Find Rare Treasure Thousand Year-Old. TEL AVIV - The Israeli archaeologists have discovered a rare treasure that was three thousand years. Treasures found included earrings and ring hidden in a ceramic jug which was found near the ancient city of Megiddo.

Megiddo is an important trading center in ancient times. According to the new agreement, Megiddo will be the final apocalyptic battle between good and evil.

When excavations were conducted in 2010, researchers found a ceramic jug. Then, the pitcher was brought investigators to the laboratory for molecular analysis to determine the contents in the jar. After a series of analyzes, the contents of kendiri consists of rings, earrings, beads derived from 1100 years BC (BC).

Israel Finkelstein of Tel Avi University who co-led the dig said the discovery offers a rare relic of the ancient Canaanite high society. He said the jewelry was found in the pitcher, in which the owner of a pitcher is intentionally hidden.

Finkelstein said the family-owned jewelry is probably Canaanite. "We can guess jug belonged to a wealthy family, may belong to the ruling elite," he said. Thus was launched from the Huffingtonpost, Monday (08/27/2012).

He said through a statement this week, the object is owned by the Egyptian or Egyptian-inspired.

It was also in line with an archaeologist at the University of Bar Ilan Egyptian Aren says, "Since the discovery of raw materials are not available locally, it can be said to be said about international relations and traditional techniques used at that time." Archaeologists Find Rare Treasure Thousand Year-Old.